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Forest with mist at dusk.

6 min read

Reviewing ResourceWise's Predictions for the 2023 Pulp and Paper Industry

As 2023 has come to a close, it's time to reflect on the insightful predictions made by ResourceWise's VP of Global Sales, Matt Elhardt, for the pulp...

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2 min read

Exciting Forestry and Biomaterials Conferences to Attend in 2024

As we enter a new year, there is an exciting lineup of conferences waiting to be explored. ResourceWise views many of these conferences as great...

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3 min read

The Impact of the Suez Canal Disruption on Pulp Prices and Shipments

By the end of December, major freight companies like MSC, the largest container shipping line globally, made an important decision. They announced...

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European softwood sawlog prices, 2000 to 2023.

2 min read

Shaky European Sawlog Market Endures 12% Price Drop

The European wood market has experienced a fair amount of instability across the last three years. Much of the volatility has centered on the sawlog...

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6 min read

An Overview of Latin America's Tissue and Towel Sector

Latin America is characterized by a vibrant Latin culture that transcends geographical borders. It is important to recognize that this rich Hispanic...

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Line chart of wood fiber price indices - hardwood and softwood - 2014 to 2023.

2 min read

Leading Trends Affecting Global Forestry in 2024

The global forestry industry has seen its share of turbulence and uncertainty over the last year. While some areas have experienced extraordinary...

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Line chart showing North American softwood lumber production in 2022 and 2023

3 min read

North American Softwood Lumber Production Down 5% as Demand Drops

As 2024 gets started, let’s take a few moments to reflect on how the North American lumber market moved in 2023. Across the board, we saw several...

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2 min read

Pulp, Paper, and Packaging Conferences You Should Look Out for in 2024

As we enter a new year, there is an exciting lineup of conferences waiting to be explored. Conferences provide the perfect opportunity to join forces...

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Forest product industry with a blue green gradient overlay.

2 min read

ResourceWise's 2024 Forest Products Industry Predictions

In 2023, the pulp, paper, and forest industries navigated through a series of dynamic market shifts and unanticipated challenges. From fluctuations...

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2 min read

Economic Conditions Remain Unchanged, How Does This Impact the Forest Products Industry?

With economic conditions showing little variation, the forest products industry finds itself at a crucial juncture due to global conflicts and...

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Hardwood Fiber Price Index (HFPI), 2021 to YTD 2023.

2 min read

Hardwood Fiber Prices Spike to 10-Year High as 2023 Finishes

Big movements in the global wood fiber market have led to some significant changes over the last three years. Various economic tensions, conflicts...

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3 min read

OCC Prices Have Increased Rapidly – How Does it Impact Linerboard Competitiveness?

According to our transaction-based benchmark Recycled Fiber 360, spot prices have increased dramatically recently. More importantly, the "last tons"...

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