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Forest with mist at dusk.


2 min read

A Look at China's Fiber Import Trends

China's paper industry heavily depends on a combination of local and imported pulp and wood chips to fulfill its fiber requirements. The balance...

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Line chart of wood fiber price indices - hardwood and softwood - 2014 to 2023.

2 min read

Leading Trends Affecting Global Forestry in 2024

The global forestry industry has seen its share of turbulence and uncertainty over the last year. While some areas have experienced extraordinary...

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5 min read

Trends in China's Pulp, Paper, and Forestry Industry

A Brief Snapshot of the Global Paper Industry The global pulp and paper industry continues to thrive, with a strong focus on the packaging sector and...

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An earthmover pushes a pile of wood chips bound for Pacific rim countries like China and Japan.

2 min read

Pacific Rim Wood Chip Market Shows Drops in Both Soft and Hardwood

Softwood chips play a major role in global wood markets, but hardwood chips far surpass softwood in terms of volume. The majority of global wood chip...

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A truck carries logs out of a lumber processing yard.

2 min read

Dwindling Softwood Log Supply Causes China to Expand Lumber Imports

More market turmoil in China as demand and import availability have both fallen. After a peak of imported lumber in 2020, we’re seeing much lower...

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5 min read

Let's Review: Pulp & Paper Opportunities in the Biofuels Sector and an Outlook on China's Market

The 18th annual International Pulp Week event hosted by Pulp and Paper Products Council (PPPC) will take place from June 4-6, 2023, in Vancouver,...

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2 min read

How Will China’s New Tariff Impact the Global Paper Industry?

Starting January 1, 2023, China implemented a provisional import tariff rate for 1,020 commodities, which are lower than the most favored nation...

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2 min read

Will More M&A Take Place in China’s Paper Industry?

The China Paper Association published its "14th Five-Year Plan" along with the medium- and long-term high-quality development outline of the paper...

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2 min read

How Will China’s Energy Crisis Impact its P&P Industry?

China was recently hit by one of the worst power shortages in a decade. So far, around 20 provinces/municipalities are undergoing local power...

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Close-up of a felled tree in a logging operation.

1 min read

China: Big Changes in Hardwood and Softwood Imports with Russian Ban

China is the world’s largest importer of softwood and hardwood logs, and for many decades, Russia has been a significant log supplier for them. This...

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