
What we can offer you

We provide detailed transactional data, cost benchmarks and in-depth analytics for participants in the wood raw materials supply chain.
  • Pricing Data
  • Benchmarks
  • Product Forecasting
  • Advisory Services
  • Analytics
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SilvaStat360 Platform

  • Price Benchmarks
  • The Beck Group’s Sawmill TQ
  • Timber Supply Analysis 
  • Global Economic Data

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From biomass suppliers in the Baltics to pulp producers in Brazil and TIMOs in the United States, Forest2Market provides products and services for suppliers, producers and other stakeholders in the global forest products industry.

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Forest2Market Solutions

Unparalleled Insight Into Global Wood Supply Chains

Data-driven solutions for the global forest supply chain

Forest2Market’s timber price data is unique, as it is the only comprehensive set of data that is collected at the transaction level. The depth and breadth of this data allows for unparalleled insight into wood supply chains, from the source to final consumption, which uniquely positions the company within the global wood fiber supply chain.

As a result, Forest2Market provides the most secure, accurate and unbiased databases in the forest products industry, which are powerful resources for analyzing trends and markets, forecasting, and providing a high level of insight into wood raw materials markets.

Forest2Market also provides a range of strategic consulting services, including fact-based market analyses to inform policy discussions, education of regulatory regimes and global market outlooks to potential investors and financiers, and contract advisement to developers as well as equity and debt providers.

Forest2Market Solutions

Explore our products & services

Timber Prices

Forest2Market’s timber price database contains 20 years worth of transaction-level details from more than $6 billion in timber sales that includes 15.5 billion data points. This transactional data provides a full-spectrum view of market dynamics and includes detailed information supplied by forest products companies, wood dealers, loggers, consultants and landowners.

Delivered Wood Price Benchmarks

Forest2Market's Delivered Wood Raw Material Price Benchmarks are the standard against which suppliers and consumers of wood raw materials around the world measure their performance.

Timberland Strategic Consulting Services
Forest2Market works closely with timberland owners, buyers and sellers to build customized studies and consulting engagements that answer specific business questions and address specific concerns. 

Forest Products Industry Analytics

With the accessibility of internet-era technologies, modern companies have no shortage of data. The challenge for today’s companies is determining which data sets and analytical tools are high-quality enough to produce better decisions and therefore results.

Analytics for the Pulp & Paper Industry

Forest2Market provides a combination of transaction-based timber pricing data and supply chain expertise to those operating in the pulp, paper and packaging supply chain.

Lean Manufacturing & Wood Supply Chain

Organizations that leverage the principles of lean manufacturing while optimizing their supply chains are inherently advantaged within the market.

Forest Products Industry Strategic Consulting

Forest2Market provides custom, confidential market research and consultancy services to clients in the international forest product supply chain.

Bioenergy Services

Forest2Market provides a range of services and solutions for bioenergy, biofuels and biochemicals project developers and manufacturers. Companies in these industries rely on our data, analytics, knowledge and insights throughout the project development process. 

Renewable Energy Analytics

A global resurgence in wood production has been driven by the popularity and expansion of bioenergy derived from woody biomass.


Articles & Industry Insights

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Interested in unique market insights, business perspectives and forest industry trends? Our award-winning MarketWatch blog is a trusted source of data and related information throughout the global forest supply chain.
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