Explore Forest2Market's Interactive Business Intelligence Platform
Our forecasts employ univariate and multivariate time series models and macroeconomic theories to estimate and predict key macroeconomic indicators.
The quality and precision of our current and historical transactional data coupled with our forecast modeling result in forecasts that are representative of the most likely outcomes over the forecast period.
Whether subscribers are making investment decisions or developing strategic business plans, Forest2Market's Economic Outlook supplies critical information and context about the general economy each month. With this insight into the future, subscribers are better able to:
Data and commentary detailing the current micro- and macroeconomic indicators that affect the forest products and other industries.
The report provides a concise summary of the current state of the US economy and forecasts macroeconomic indicators.
Support supply chain management decisions with credible market performance benchmarks and improve performance with credible comparisons to the broader market
Forest2market’s Stumpage Price 4Cast is a unique industry offering with a near-term supply chain application focus – average monthly prices for the next 24 months. The stumpage prices being forecasted are based on our market transaction data, which means there is a direct benchmark value in the forecast rather than using it as a relative index of market dynamics.
Along with relating the impact of global and national effects on local markets, the models consider real world factors (including weather and ground conditions) that influence day-to-day operations and decisions. Finally, the models are updated quarterly, reflecting market dynamism that is a reality in today’s globally linked economy.
Large sets of very granular data allow the forecaster to find strong correlations, thereby reducing forecast deviation. The data we collect and the methods we employ to store it ensure forecasts with small deviations.
Our models are built on local timber markets, which means 4Cast results relate to actual prices being paid for wood fiber in a real market.
Different markets have different characteristics that make them unique. Forest2Market breadth of experience and intimate knowledge of regional timber markets allows for real-world insights into the factors that drive individual market performance.
We provide forecasting knowledge for forest industry markets on our blog, and we work closely with clients throughout industry to build customized market studies and consulting engagements that answer specific business questions and address specific concerns.
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+358 40 752 2213