Explore Forest2Market's Interactive Business Intelligence Platform
Benchmarks allow companies to compare their data with aggregated industry data from other organizations. Those interested in improving their performance use them to set meaningful goals, gain insight into trends occurring across the industry and discover how they are doing compared to their peers.
A performance benchmark provides a starting point. Once plans for improvement are implemented, subsequent quarterly benchmarks will allow for the measurement of the success of those improvements.
Compare product mix to the market to identify more profitable/less costly substitutions. Choose the most profitable grades and dimensions to produce given log quality, grade and dimension yields
The benchmark provides all the data needed to identify areas where revenue can be maximized, or costs can be reduced.
Accurately assess the value of mill inventory
The lumber benchmark provides subscribers with a complete and accurate picture of their individual operations and how they compare to the broader market. Subscribers are able to fine tune their purchase and sales strategies and make decisions confidently.
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