
What we can offer you

We provide detailed transactional data, cost benchmarks and in-depth analytics for participants in the wood raw materials supply chain.
  • Pricing Data
  • Benchmarks
  • Product Forecasting
  • Advisory Services
  • Analytics
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SilvaStat360 Platform

  • Price Benchmarks
  • The Beck Group’s Sawmill TQ
  • Timber Supply Analysis 
  • Global Economic Data

Explore Forest2Market's Interactive Business Intelligence Platform

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From biomass suppliers in the Baltics to pulp producers in Brazil and TIMOs in the United States, Forest2Market provides products and services for suppliers, producers and other stakeholders in the global forest products industry.

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Wood Pellet Industry Analytics

Resources for your wood pellet industry projects

A Growing Industry

With increased opportunities for wood pellet and chip suppliers

As biopower and wood pellet industry markets grow and mature, the increased competition for wood pellets and chips will provide opportunities for suppliers of these materials around the globe. Biopower producers require a secure and consistent supply of both pellets and chips, sometimes from multiple suppliers in multiple geographies. As a result, they also require strong procurement strategies, supply chain risk assessments, cost analyses, supplier diligence processes and contract negotiation strategies.

Wood Pellet Industry Market Trends

The long-term success of a bioenergy project hinges on decisions at every stage of the project lifecycle. It is therefore essential for project developers to understand the complexities and nuances of the US wood supply chain and market trends. We assist project developers and their investors at every stage of the project:

  • Identify optimal site locations
  • Plan feedstock procurement strategies
  • Manage wood feedstock risk over time
  • Ensure long-term operational efficiencies

Discover the nearly 300 resource studies Forest2Market has conducted


Why Forest2Market Wood Pellet Industry Services?

Planning for Project Success
We Understand Timber Supply

Forest2Market has the most robust operational database of timber supply in the US and Brazil.

Supply Chain Insights

We’re the premier provider of market data, price forecasts and other information  about the wood supply chain.

Trusted by Investors and Lenders

Major investors in pellet projects choose Forest2Market for the high quality of our data, expertise and due diligence studies.


Our Wood Pellet Industry Services

Market studies, emerging market analysis, benchmark reports, and more

As part of our business, we track emerging industries using wood-derived feedstocks. In 2006, we began tracking bioenergy producers and consumers. Along the way, we have discovered myriad ways our supply chain expertise can help project developers understand the wood supply chain and the economic and biological sustainability of wood-derived feedstocks.

Since 2007, Forest2Market has conducted dozens of studies for both producers and consumers of wood pellets and other forms of bioenergy, as well as other forest products companies, government agencies, trade organizations and investors every year.

Custom Wood Pellet Industry Reports

Forest2Market is a trusted source of custom reports detailing wood supply market trends, price fluctuations, demand for end products, supply basin competition and inventory data that can impact your project or facility.

Wood Pellet Project Support

With our biomaterials project support services, we help manufacturers and consumers of wood pellets and other forms of woody biomass realize project success at every step of the way. 

Bankable Due Diligence Studies

Because they are based on our transactional data, the most robust operational database of timber supply information and our forecasting methodology, Forest2Market due diligence studies are the most respected in the industry.

Delivered Price Benchmarks

Once operational, you can learn more about your competitive position in the market and optimize your supply chain with our Delivered Price Benchmarks. Our customers make better-informed decisions and thrive because they have credible and consistent measures of their performance.

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Articles & Industry Insights

Explore our collection of wood pellet industry articles and insights

Concurrent with the growth of the export pellet industry in the US South, other forces continue to create fundamental changes in the global bioenergy market. Our article library provides in-depth news and information about wood pellet demand, wood pellet exports, manufacturers, bioenergy trends and more.

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