Price Tracking
Worldwide pricing on sawlogs and pulpwood.
The digitized successor to Wood Resource Quarterly from Wood Resources International
WoodMarket Prices is a convenient, one-stop repository for the datasets and analytical tools imperative for success in the forest supply chain. The online platform includes price and trade data and trending market commentary on critical industry developments.
This crucial data can be visualized and analyzed based on your exact needs. You can save custom search filters, download datasets and customized images, and print charts and graphs.
WoodMarket Prices' unique indices provide pricing data and market analytics for countries and regions around the world, including:
North America: Western and Eastern Canada, U.S. Northwest and South
South America: Brazil, Chile
Europe: Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden
Asia/Oceania: Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand
Sawlog Price Indices provide vital information about sawlog buying and selling costs. Sawlog costs account for 65 – 70% of softwood lumber manufacturing, so access to sawlog pricing data reports by country, continent and global view is crucial to determine the competitiveness of regional sawmilling industries.
The WoodMarket Prices platform provides both a global price index and a European price index.
Global Sawlog Price Index (GSPI): A volume-weighted index first established in 1995. Delivers information about commonly used log species for manufacturing and construction and lumber grades for higher and lower quality wood.
European Sawlog Price Index (ESPI) A volume-weighted price index established in 1999. Delivers information regarding the average prices for the nine largest log-consuming countries in Europe.
Global Pulpwood Price Indices, established in 1988, are derived from wood fiber prices for the pulp industry in global regions. They account for 85 – 90% of the world’s wood-based pulp production capacity. Wood fiber prices and regional consumption data are calculated quarterly.
Pulpwood prices are the greatest factor in determining the competitiveness of pulp manufacturing plants and account for 45 – 72% of production, depending on grade, chemicals, energy and labor costs.
Global Softwood Fiber Index (SFPI): Countries in the Northern Hemisphere with natural conifer species.
Global Hardwood Fiber Index (HFPI): Wood fiber prices in non-conifer plantation forests, mainly Eucalyptus and Acadia.
Worldwide pricing on sawlogs and pulpwood.
Trade information for lumber, logs, wood chips and pellets.
Worldwide competitive evaluation of sawmills and pulp mills.
Quarterly wood raw-material price trends for the past 30 years.
Development updates for North America, Europe, Latin America, Oceania and Asia.
Wood chip pulplog prices in US dollars and local currencies.
View and download historical trend/time series data for sawlogs, pulplogs, wood chips, pellets, market pulp and lumber. We provide the ability to sort this data by country, viewing only what you need.
WoodMarket Prices delivers trade data for hardwood and softwood chips, market pulp and pellets. Data can be segmented by country and region for both imports and exports using our interactive map and trade-flow wheel.
Get current global market commentary focusing on updates for all major areas: pulpwood, lumber, pulp, sawlogs and pellets.
Feb 6, 2025 by ResourceWise
Feb 4, 2025 by Pete Stewart
Feb 3, 2025 by Audrey Dixon