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Forest with mist at dusk.

Global Wood Fiber Markets

1 min read

A Comprehensive Look at Global Wood Fiber Markets

The past couple of years have seen a tremendous surge in the global pulp market, with prices hovering around record highs in major regions such as...

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Line chart of wood fiber price indices - hardwood and softwood - 2014 to 2023.

2 min read

Leading Trends Affecting Global Forestry in 2024

The global forestry industry has seen its share of turbulence and uncertainty over the last year. While some areas have experienced extraordinary...

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Hardwood Fiber Price Index (HFPI), 2021 to YTD 2023.

2 min read

Hardwood Fiber Prices Spike to 10-Year High as 2023 Finishes

Big movements in the global wood fiber market have led to some significant changes over the last three years. Various economic tensions, conflicts...

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Wood fiber price index graph indicating market fluctuations.

5 min read

Wood Market Dynamics and the Impact on Pulp and Paper: Current Trends

The decrease in pulp prices we’ve recently seen may not be a temporary occurrence. We anticipate an excess of market pulp capacity in the near...

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Line chart of Global Wood Fiber Price Indices from 1988 to 2022. Strong global demand kept the wood chip trade at near-record high levels.

2 min read

Global Pulplog and Wood Chip Prices Up 10% Since 2021

Tight wood fiber supply and record high pulp prices have pushed the worldwide costs for pulplogs and wood chips upward 10% the past year. Wood fiber...

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Line chart showing that global wood fiber price indices in USD were up 2.0% and 3.3% in 1Q22 for softwood and hardwood.

2 min read

Global Wood Fiber Markets Report: Aug. 2022

Wood fiber costs for pulp manufacturing have gone up worldwide in 2022 as fiber demand remained strong and supply tightened. Prices for pulplogs and...

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Line graph showing global trade of wood chips from 2002 to 2021. Traded wood chip numbers have increased thanks to China’s pulp capacity.

2 min read

Fiber Demand in China Boosts Hardwood Trade

Global trade of hardwood chips rose in early 2022, driven by increased fiber demand by Chinese pulpmills. In 2021, the world’s shipments of wood...

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