Forest Products News

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Forest with mist at dusk.


3 min read

Which Major Companies Are Switching to Paper Alternatives?

The pulp and paper industry is consistently being acknowledged for its strides in sustainability, marked by new innovations and initiatives. Each...

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3 min read

Innovative Sustainability Measures by Pulp and Paper Industry Leaders

Every month, the pulp and paper industry garners attention with its dynamic partnerships, innovative product launches, and sustainability-focused...

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2 min read

Sustainability in Focus: Innovations by Pulp and Paper Industry Leaders

With the growing demand for sustainable options, companies are increasingly focusing on areas for enhancement and innovation in their priority lists....

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3 min read

Sustainable Solutions: Collaborations between Major Brands and Pulp and Paper Companies

With the ongoing momentum in corporate sustainability initiatives, the collaboration between pulp and paper companies and major corporations to...

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3 min read

Driving Sustainability in Pulp and Paper: Latest Industry Innovations

As the demand for sustainable practices grows, major companies are increasingly looking towards paper packaging to meet their corporate...

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3 min read

Pulp and Paper Companies Make Strides in the Development of Paper Alternatives

Every single day, the pulp and paper industry continues to exceed expectations in prioritizing sustainability. From the introduction of numerous...

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Hardwood Fiber Price Index (HFPI), 2021 to YTD 2023.

2 min read

Hardwood Fiber Prices Spike to 10-Year High as 2023 Finishes

Big movements in the global wood fiber market have led to some significant changes over the last three years. Various economic tensions, conflicts...

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A burnt tree in the foreground of a forest indicates recent wildfires, but the blossoming underbrush suggests regrowth and recovery.

5 min read

What Can We Learn from a Record-Setting 2023 Canadian Wildfire Season?

Canada’s wildfire season looks to be finally drawing to a close for 2023. While the complete total of affected areas has yet to be 100% determined,...

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Logo of International Sustainable Forestry Coalition on a forested background.

3 min read

ISFC Unites Top Global Forestry Companies to Combat Climate Change

A faction of 10 major global forestry firms recently announced the formation of the International Sustainable Forestry Coalition (ISFC). This marks...

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A forester walks toward a forest of tall trees.

4 min read

Wood Products and Renewables: How the Forest Helps Meet Climate Goals

As the global market rapidly moves toward renewables, wood products have come directly into the spotlight. Various woody biomass can serve as...

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Gold nugget representing untapped business potential in the pulp and paper industry.

4 min read

Are Pulp and Paper Companies Sitting on a Hidden Goldmine?

In the pulp and paper industry, there exists a hidden goldmine that many companies are unaware of—the emissions generated from waste wood and black...

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Quilted Northern sustainabilty packaging.

3 min read

Could Quilted Northern’s Packaging Switch Lead to Increased Paper Demand?

Quilted Northern, a popular brand under Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products, has recently announced an exciting change. The company will now offer...

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