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Forest with mist at dusk.

Lumber Market

3 min read

Recent Developments in Finland's Forest Products Sector

In today's fast-paced global economy, staying updated on the developments within Finland's forest products industry is crucial. With its abundant...

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Line chart showing North American softwood lumber production in 2022 and 2023

3 min read

North American Softwood Lumber Production Down 5% as Demand Drops

As 2024 gets started, let’s take a few moments to reflect on how the North American lumber market moved in 2023. Across the board, we saw several...

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Maine Acadia Park forest and water.

4 min read

Northeast US Forestry Update: Maine Feels the Squeeze of Market Dip

Like many forestry businesses across the US, those in Maine and the northeast are feeling the strain of a market downturn. Several factors have...

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Line chart of ISM Performance Indexes for service and manufacturing, 2008-2023.

3 min read

Lumber and Wood Price Index Dives with 26% Fall in Softwood

Continued economic downturn ripples across manufacturing. Sentiment is down somewhat, but the services sector is showing promise after an...

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Bar graph of sawlog price changes in Europe 2020 to 2022. Central Europe had the largest growth at an average of 90%.

2 min read

Europe's Sawlog Prices Nearly Doubled in Past 2 Years

Sawlog prices in Central Europe have almost doubled in the past two years — the highest increases on the continent. Over the past two years, sawlog...

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US South pine forest full of trees thanks to a current softwood surplus.

2 min read

Decrease in US South Timber Surplus May Yield Increased Sawlog Prices

The US South softwood timber resource is significant, cost-competitive, and increasingly crucial for the global supply of several forest products. In...

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2 min read

Southern Lumber Prices Continue to Inch Down

After jumping 12% in August due in large part to strong demand from the multi-family construction sector, US housing starts dipped by 8% in...

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3 min read

WRI Market Insights: Global Softwood Lumber Markets

Global trade of softwood lumber slowed in early 2022, in particular lumber headed to China, the US, and Germany, where import volumes were down in...

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1 min read

As Lumber Prices Plummet, Manufacturers are Asking 2 Important Questions

The North American softwood lumber market remains highly volatile, and the sawmill industry is being forced to react and evolve quickly. Finished...

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Large stack of lumber haphazardly piled up. While global lumber trade is down in 2022, it is still hovering around a 15-year high.

3 min read

Global Softwood Lumber Trade Down in Early 2022

Global trade of softwood lumber slowed in early 2022, in particular lumber headed to China, the US, and Germany, where import volumes were down in...

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2 min read

Softwood Lumber Prices Tumble 40%; Is Another Rally on the Horizon?

The volatile North American softwood lumber market continues to keep us all guessing as we enter mid-2Q2022. After spending most of 1Q above the...

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Several recently cut softwood trees lying in a field after harvest.

2 min read

Sawlog Supply Tight in US South with Long-Term Opportunities Ahead

The US South’s softwood industry has enormous potential for a variety of reasons. The region has a significant forest resource with room for...

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