Chemical Insights Blog

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Three instances of animated microorganisms and microbes used in surfactants seen at microscopic level.

4 min read

Boost in Biosurfactants Output Supports Sustainable Goals

The production of surfactants by combining biomass and microorganisms – such as bacterial agents – is an innovation that is increasingly gaining...

The entrance to the Grand Hotel Wien in Vienna.

4 min read

EPCA Annual Meeting Tecnon OrbiChem Team of Ten Announced

One of the leading petrochemicals events in the calendar is almost upon us. Petrochemical refiners, products manufacturers and downstream consumers...

Senthuran Raviraj takes centre stage at the 26th World Chlor-Alkali Conference in Singapore in June 2023.

4 min read

Caustic Soda Endures 'Cost & Freight' Premium, but for How Long?

Chemical tanker availability is thought to be elevating the cost of caustic soda transportation this year, with little relief envisaged in the...

Graph showing PTA exports from China to India.

3 min read

India Halts Imports for Key Intermediate Chemical from China

Plastics, packaging, textiles and automotive manufacturers in India are currently prohibited from sourcing purified terephthalic acid from mainland...

A montage of the pages of a free-to-download eBook offering guidance on establishing sustainability goals.

4 min read

Putting Sustainability at the Heart of The Chemicals Sector

The International Energy Agency has set broad goals for achieving net-zero carbon emissions by the 2050 benchmark. Cutting greenhouse gas pollution...

Aluminium cans for beverages, which are coated with the chemical bisphenol A on the inside.

5 min read

Bisphenol A Ban by the Back Door: The 21st Century Way

Despite being a key component of epoxy resins and polycarbonates, and an additive that makes unsaturated polyester resins stronger and resistant to...

A graph showing the volatility of global acetic acid prices between 2020 and 2023.

4 min read

Biobased Acetic Acid: Making a Key Chemicals Feedstock Sustainable

Acetic acid has been made by biobased routes for centuries, albeit in a dilute form. If wine or other alcoholic beverage made by fermentation is...

A montage of the free-to-download ebook showing each of its three pages.

7 min read

Chemicals Output in a Conflict-locked Post-Covid World

Earlier this year, BASF Chairman Martin Brudermüller warned that Europe was increasingly losing its chemicals sector competitive edge. His comments...

A graph line showing some of the spot and contract prices for maleic anhydride globally between 2013 and 2023.

2 min read

Maleic Anhydride Markets Globally at Mid-year 2023

The global maleic anhydride market continues to be under downward pressure in 2023 amid the economic slowdown. Like many other products in the...

A graph line showing United States chlorine price versus chlor-alkali plant utilization from 2014 to 2023.

3 min read

Chlorine and Derivatives Markets at Mid-year 2023

The markets for chlor-alkali have faltered during the first half of 2023, as projected in our early-year analysis of these markets. As predicted, the...

Graph of Turkey UPR exports, January to March 2023.

3 min read

Unsaturated Polyester Resins Markets: Looking to Q4 2023

As we reached the mid-point of last year, unsaturated polyester resin market participants in the US were surfing a relatively novel wave. While many...

Graph indicating global propylene price trends from January - June 2023.

3 min read

Plasticizers and Their Raw Materials: eBook of Mid-year Analysis

Plasticizer market participants and producers within the sector's supply chain – plus raw materials producers – began the year with breath baited....