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Several dozen colorful cargo and shipping containers stacked up at a port location.

6 min read

Barge, Truck or Train? Panama Ships and Supply Chains

During a particularly poignant moment in Apple TV's drama series The Morning Show, UBA weatherman Yanko Flores defines El Niño. It is, he laments,...

A chemical plant with storage tanks for renewable hydrogen.

5 min read

Can White Hydrogen Answer Humanity’s Fundamental Energy Needs?

The chemical industry, the high-volume sector of the industry in particular, pivots on the conversion of fairly inert carbonaceous matter into...

Chart indicating trade flows from major importing countries providing China's phenol supply.

4 min read

Global Supply Chain Statistics: Trade Transparency Visualized

It is one thing to know the price a chemical is currently valued in the market, a service that ResourceWise company Tecnon OrbiChem has provided for...

Graph indicating EU PET imports from July 2017 - July 2023.

2 min read

PET Anti-dumping Update: Proposed Provisional Duties

On 31 October 2023, the European Commission communicated the latest details of its anti-dumping investigation into Chinese polyethylene terephthalate...

Graph featuring 50+ years of habitat construction, US housing statistics by unit size.

7 min read

Chemicals Markets in Housing, Construction and Infrastructure Worldwide

At the risk of perpetuating a troubling 2023 trope, the construction sector is contradictory on a global scale right now. While growing populations...

Three new cars with their headlamps shining in a row.

6 min read

Is the US Automotive Sector Strike Impacting Chemicals Supply Chains?

The automotive sector is operating in a contradictory landscape at present. This year alone, it has been subject to pent-up demand driven by Covid,...

A street scene from the city of Vienna during the 2023 European Petrochemicals Association Annual Meeting.

4 min read

Renewables, Low Carbon-Intensity Chemicals and ESG at EPCA '23

Discussions on low carbon or sustainable feedstocks at European Petrochemical Association gatherings – even ten years ago – were rare. Back then,...

The Tecnon OrbiChem team enjoys some downtime at the 57th EPCA Annual Meeting in Vienna in 2023.

6 min read

Key Takeaways From a Premier Petrochemicals Event: EPCA Vienna 2023

Tecnon OrbiChem experts connected (and reconnected) with cohorts of petrochemicals-focused contacts cultivated over 50 years at the end of last...

A running shoe that can be made in a one-shot injection mold process much like the Wellington Boot.

5 min read

Footwear Feedstocks Price Forecast: A Chemicals Cost Comparison

The footwear sector is huge – with as many as 24 billion pairs produced annually – but it is also quickly evolving. Whether we're talking raw...

Infographic showing how sustainable chemicals can be manufactured.

5 min read

Sustainable Trade Europe: Internal Carbon Price and Raw Materials

The European Union is imposing a raft of new reporting responsibilities which are set out in the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

A South Korean flag waves in the wind in the background of China's ensign.

3 min read

Chemicals Sector South Korea: Adapt or Dwindle Approach

South Korean petrochemical firms are adapting their business portfolios to combat oversupplied markets amidst a bearish demand for products.

A smiling yellow Rubber Duck with painted eyelashes - probably manufactured using a plasticiser - languishes in soap suds.

7 min read

Plasticizer Market Analysis 2023: An Overview

With the year 2023 now into its second half, plasticizer and oxo-alcohol markets remain relatively stagnant globally. Demand failed to pick up as...