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Forest with mist at dusk.

3 min read

Innovative Sustainability Measures by Pulp and Paper Industry Leaders

Every month, the pulp and paper industry garners attention with its dynamic partnerships, innovative product launches, and sustainability-focused...

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2 min read

An Overview of British Columbia's Timber Supply Crisis

The forest industry in British Columbia (BC) is currently grappling with the closure of sawmills, stemming from a mix of limited timber resources,...

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2 min read

Analyzing Recycled Fiber OCC Prices in 1Q2024

Recycled fiber markets are volatile, meaning industry professionals need reliable data to stay ahead of changes.Let’s look at OCC price data from Q1...

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3 min read

Pioneering Green Hydrogen in Tissue Manufacturing

Like many industries, the global pulp and paper sector is focusing on developing innovations to address the urgent requirement for decarbonization to...

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1 min read

A Look at Japan's Declining Softwood Lumber Imports

For several years, Japan has been a thriving demand center for softwood lumber exporters worldwide. However, an aging population and a declining...

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1 min read

Indonesia Emerges as a Major Player in Tissue Exports Across Southeast Asia

Indonesia's paper industry has seen remarkable growth in the last forty years, driven by new investments primarily focused on communication papers....

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2 min read

Germany's Softwood Log Market: Trends and Challenges

Understanding the complexities of the international market for softwood logs can be a daunting task. However, it’s crucial for anyone involved in the...

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2 min read

Navigating Disruptions in the Pulp and Paper Industry

The pulp and paper industry has long faced disruptions, and 2024 has been no exception.

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2 min read

Sustainability in Focus: Innovations by Pulp and Paper Industry Leaders

With the growing demand for sustainable options, companies are increasingly focusing on areas for enhancement and innovation in their priority lists....

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2 min read

A Look at China's Fiber Import Trends

China's paper industry heavily depends on a combination of local and imported pulp and wood chips to fulfill its fiber requirements. The balance...

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2 min read

An Overview of Finland's Hardwood Log Imports

Recent geopolitical events have impacted a range of industries, including Finland's hardwood log import market. Recent shifts in the international...

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Line graph of recycled fiber prices from January 2023 to February 2024.

3 min read

Pulp and Paper Industry Roundup: Developments in 1Q2024

The beginning of 2024 witnessed a series of unexpected developments within the pulp and paper industry, creating rippling impacts across the sector....

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