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Vivid green lighting reflects off chemical plant storage tanks located beside renewable energy sources at night.

4 min read

Sustainability in the European Chlor-alkali Industry

Historically, the chlor-alkali process is one with numerous environmental and health concerns since the diaphragm cell process and mercury cell...

Delegates at the 26th World Chlor-Alkali Conference in Singapore in 2023.

5 min read

A World Chlor-Alkali Conference in Energy Turbulent Times

Planning and preparation for the 27th World Chlor-Alkali Conference is in hand. ResourceWise (formerly Tecnon OrbiChem) and partner I•C•I•S, who...

Several dozen colorful cargo and shipping containers stacked up at a port location.

6 min read

Barge, Truck or Train? Panama Ships and Supply Chains

During a particularly poignant moment in Apple TV's drama series The Morning Show, UBA weatherman Yanko Flores defines El Niño. It is, he laments,...

Graph featuring 50+ years of habitat construction, US housing statistics by unit size.

7 min read

Chemicals Markets in Housing, Construction and Infrastructure Worldwide

At the risk of perpetuating a troubling 2023 trope, the construction sector is contradictory on a global scale right now. While growing populations...

Trade flow graphs depicting upwards trajectories.

2 min read

Caustic Soda Trade in Global Markets: Mid-Year Review 2023

The chlor-alkali sector is uniquely positioned to act as a litmus test for the global economy, making its ripples around trade indicative of what is...

The Singapore skyline at night provides the background for information on the Tecnon OrbiChem conference organsied with partner ICIS.

5 min read

26th World Chlor-alkali Conference: History & Agenda

In just a few weeks, Tecnon OrbiChem and partner I•C•I•S co-host their 26th World Chlor-Alkali Conference in Singapore. Our founder Charles Fryer...

3 min read

Chlor-alkali 2022: Key Factors Driving China's Markets

China’s Dual Control Policy sharply reduced caustic soda production in the country in Q4 2021. The policy's impact on particular chemical value...

Image shows Ukraine, Russia Belarus and some surrounding countries

7 min read

Chemical industry: Russia–Ukraine war impact analysis July 2022

Russian-origin raw material for unsaturated polyester resin (UPR) production is entering Turkey before sale to European buyers as end product....

Image shows snippets from printed versions of Caustic Soda ChemFocus and a screenshot of the online platform it offers in the 2020s

2 min read

Chlor-alkali webinar to draw on insight spanning five decades

Just as Tecnon OrbiChem consultants began preparing presentations for the Chlor-Alkali in 2022 webinar we are presenting in collaboration with ICIS,...

Chemical manufacturing plant with lights on at dusk.

1 min read

PVC Supply Tightens, Sharply Sending Prices Surging

For one reason or another supply of PVC in several regions around the world has been disrupted over the last six months. In Europe, the region saw an...