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Several dozen colorful cargo and shipping containers stacked up at a port location.

6 min read

Barge, Truck or Train? Panama Ships and Supply Chains

During a particularly poignant moment in Apple TV's drama series The Morning Show, UBA weatherman Yanko Flores defines El Niño. It is, he laments,...

Graph featuring 50+ years of habitat construction, US housing statistics by unit size.

7 min read

Chemicals Markets in Housing, Construction and Infrastructure Worldwide

At the risk of perpetuating a troubling 2023 trope, the construction sector is contradictory on a global scale right now. While growing populations...

4 min read

Orthoxylene & Phthalic Anhydride Markets: Mid-year 2023

The Asia-focused supplement to our January 2023 blog post Orthoxylene - phthalic anhydride outlook for 2023 & year in review contained interviews...

Image shows a map of Ukraine and the surrounding countries

6 min read

Ukraine-Russia: Trade Impact Analysis Autumn 2022

Already high, volatile and uncertain gas prices – within Europe in particular – were exacerbated by the suspected sabotage of Baltic Sea gas pipes at...

Image shows Ukraine, Russia Belarus and some surrounding countries

7 min read

Chemical industry: Russia–Ukraine war impact analysis July 2022

Russian-origin raw material for unsaturated polyester resin (UPR) production is entering Turkey before sale to European buyers as end product....

Image shows two bar charts of epoxy resin imports to the US and Europe from 2019 to 2021

6 min read

Retreat of Western Investment in - and Reliance on - China

For several decades until last year, China was regarded as the workshop of the world. Businessmen and women flocked there to have the production of...

Chemical manufacturing plant supplying chemical commodities for global trade.

6 min read

East European Trade Dive May Trigger Supply Boon to the Western World

As Ukraine continues to defend its sovereignty against the Russian invasion, a plethora of trade dynamics will emerge and trickle through global...

1 min read

Orthoxylene & Phthalic Anhydride The Bumpy Road To Recovery

The orthoxylene and phthalic anhydride supply chain has shown relatively strong recovery throughout 2021; however, this has not been without its...

Close-up of a car engine.

1 min read

Outlook For the Orthoxylene & Phthalic Anhydride Market For 2021

The orthoxylene market has had a strong start to 2021, where the US and Europe have both seen healthy demand and prices have shown increases. Demand...

Photo of a chemical refinery with cloudy skies

2 min read

Orthoxylene Markets Hang in the Balance as COVID-19 Reaches New Peak

In Europe and the US, the outbreak of COVID-19 was delayed compared with Asia as the regions did not enter lockdown until March. Demand was steady,...