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Chemical Market (2)

Trade flow graphics for two key feedstocks orthoxylene and phthalic anhydride in 2023.

4 min read

Orthoxylene—Phthalic Anhydride Markets: What's Happening in 2024?

Phthalic anhydride is used to produce phthalate-based PVC plasticizers, resins and coatings. Orthoxylene is the key feedstock for manufacturing...

6 min read

How a US Gulf Coast Snow Flurry Roused Quiet Markets

Not enough years have passed for the Texas Big Freeze shockwaves to have fully exited the chemicals sector consciousness just yet. So severe was its...

Headshots of chemical experts attending AFPM 2024.

3 min read

AFPM 2024: Expert Team for the International Petrochemical Conference

ResourceWise (formerly Tecnon OrbiChem) has attended the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers’ springtime event—the International...

Five panel members on the stage at the European Bioplastics Conference in Berlin in December 2023.

4 min read

European Bioplastics Conference Panel Discussion: What Future in Europe?

As the world looks to meet the Net Zero aspirations considered vital to a sustainable future, plastics occupy an increasingly precarious position.

The Tecnon OrbiChem team enjoys some downtime at the 57th EPCA Annual Meeting in Vienna in 2023.

6 min read

Key Takeaways From a Premier Petrochemicals Event: EPCA Vienna 2023

Tecnon OrbiChem experts connected (and reconnected) with cohorts of petrochemicals-focused contacts cultivated over 50 years at the end of last...

A South Korean flag waves in the wind in the background of China's ensign.

3 min read

Chemicals Sector South Korea: Adapt or Dwindle Approach

South Korean petrochemical firms are adapting their business portfolios to combat oversupplied markets amidst a bearish demand for products.

Container ships docked at port with cargo containers

5 min read

How to Plan and Budget for Direct Materials Purchases

Budgets are financial plans that play a crucial role in the success and profitability of businesses. For companies that rely on raw materials as...

A bar & line graph showing global caustic soda capacity by region versus consumption rates from 2018-2030.

3 min read

Next Global Chemical Shortage, Caustic Soda

Caustic soda demand could exceed global capacity in the latter half of this decade. That’s what analysis of trends versus current and future...

Selection of pictures showing 3D printing materials granulate, powder, filament and liquid.

6 min read

3D Printing - Additive Manufacturing - Rapid Prototyping

Additive manufacturing (AM) – or 3D printing – is a technique for producing solid objects by arranging particles in space via a computer-controlled...

Section of a chlor-alkali cell.

5 min read

Chlor-Alkali: 2021 Review and Outlook for 2022

This year has been a very turbulent year for the chlor-alkali industry with several weather-related and supply chain issues. They have affected the...