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A schematic diagram showing comparing new and old carbon feedstocks for new materials.

3 min read

Biobased Chemicals Knowledge Base: From Zero to Hero in Minutes

Biobased and circular economies have emerged as globally impactful transformative forces in industry this decade. On the demand side, there is a...

Five panel members on the stage at the European Bioplastics Conference in Berlin in December 2023.

4 min read

European Bioplastics Conference Panel Discussion: What Future in Europe?

As the world looks to meet the Net Zero aspirations considered vital to a sustainable future, plastics occupy an increasingly precarious position.

A chemical plant with storage tanks for renewable hydrogen.

5 min read

Can White Hydrogen Answer Humanity’s Fundamental Energy Needs?

The chemical industry, the high-volume sector of the industry in particular, pivots on the conversion of fairly inert carbonaceous matter into...

A street scene from the city of Vienna during the 2023 European Petrochemicals Association Annual Meeting.

4 min read

Renewables, Low Carbon-Intensity Chemicals and ESG at EPCA '23

Discussions on low carbon or sustainable feedstocks at European Petrochemical Association gatherings – even ten years ago – were rare. Back then,...

The Tecnon OrbiChem team enjoys some downtime at the 57th EPCA Annual Meeting in Vienna in 2023.

6 min read

Key Takeaways From a Premier Petrochemicals Event: EPCA Vienna 2023

Tecnon OrbiChem experts connected (and reconnected) with cohorts of petrochemicals-focused contacts cultivated over 50 years at the end of last...

Infographic showing how sustainable chemicals can be manufactured.

5 min read

Sustainable Trade Europe: Internal Carbon Price and Raw Materials

The European Union is imposing a raft of new reporting responsibilities which are set out in the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

Three instances of animated microorganisms and microbes used in surfactants seen at microscopic level.

4 min read

Boost in Biosurfactants Output Supports Sustainable Goals

The production of surfactants by combining biomass and microorganisms – such as bacterial agents – is an innovation that is increasingly gaining...

A montage of the pages of a free-to-download eBook offering guidance on establishing sustainability goals.

4 min read

Putting Sustainability at the Heart of The Chemicals Sector

The International Energy Agency has set broad goals for achieving net-zero carbon emissions by the 2050 benchmark. Cutting greenhouse gas pollution...

Headshots of the three speakers that will explore low carbon fuels and feedstocks at the AFPM breakfast event.

2 min read

Transforming Fuels & Feedstock: Old Carbon to Low Carbon - AFPM Talk

What do chemicals, forestry and renewable fuels value chains all have in common? Well, we've selected a trio of thought leaders to tell you......

Image shows an infographic of the potential for wood-based materials to replace traditionally used materials liek plastic and aluminium

4 min read

Paper-Polymer-Plastic: A New 'Rock Paper Scissors' Game for the Packaging Sector

A report from the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) BioPreferred Program estimates that new sustainable products and practice within seven...

Image shows an infographic representation of the mass balance approach at varying points in the supply chain

4 min read

Circular Economy: Beyond Recycle, Reuse & Reduce

Strategies key to the circular economy include circular supply chains, eco-design, reuse, recovery and recycling of resources. In Europe, the...

image is an infographic showing how chemical recycling of plastic waste streams is worth 120 billion dollars

7 min read

Chemical Recycling: Towards a Circular Economy

Worldwide, there are many endeavours to recover and recycle plastics materials. The first phase of such recycling has involved thermoplastic polymers...