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Maleic Anhydride

A tornado and lightning against the backdrop of a gloomy hits a village scene.

4 min read

Hurricane Season and Chemicals Supply Chains

This article was updated on September 11, 2024. See the updated section below The US hurricane season brings heightened levels of uncertainty to...

Infographic showing global capacity to produce maleic anhydride.

5 min read

Maleic Anhydride Markets: An Assessment for 2024

Maleic anhydride is an important intermediate chemical. Currently, capacity to produce is in excess of 5000 ktpa globally. Over two-thirds of the...

Graph featuring 50+ years of habitat construction, US housing statistics by unit size.

7 min read

Chemicals Markets in Housing, Construction and Infrastructure Worldwide

At the risk of perpetuating a troubling 2023 trope, the construction sector is contradictory on a global scale right now. While growing populations...

A graph line showing some of the spot and contract prices for maleic anhydride globally between 2013 and 2023.

2 min read

Maleic Anhydride Markets Globally at Mid-year 2023

The global maleic anhydride market continues to be under downward pressure in 2023 amid the economic slowdown. Like many other products in the...

A schematic representation of bio-aromatics production incorporating images of food waste, straw, chemical figure drawings and paint pots

4 min read

Biobased Phthalic Anhydride: Can this Key Feedstock be Green?

Phthalic anhydride is a key chemical intermediate in applications from phthalate plasticisers to polyesters. Many types of polyesters can be made via...

Image shows a map of Ukraine and the surrounding countries

6 min read

Ukraine-Russia: Trade Impact Analysis Autumn 2022

Already high, volatile and uncertain gas prices – within Europe in particular – were exacerbated by the suspected sabotage of Baltic Sea gas pipes at...

Image shows Ukraine, Russia Belarus and some surrounding countries

7 min read

Chemical industry: Russia–Ukraine war impact analysis July 2022

Russian-origin raw material for unsaturated polyester resin (UPR) production is entering Turkey before sale to European buyers as end product....

Image shows a SWOT analysis of raising inventory versus lowering inventories in volatile economic and political times

4 min read

New Chemical Industry Imperatives: Expanding Inventory & Making Supply Chains Robust

Factories need to keep inventory, to guard against delayed delivery of vital feedstocks or components. This is especially the case for chemical...

Image shows two bar charts of epoxy resin imports to the US and Europe from 2019 to 2021

6 min read

Retreat of Western Investment in - and Reliance on - China

For several decades until last year, China was regarded as the workshop of the world. Businessmen and women flocked there to have the production of...

Graph indicating the European Unsaturated Polyester Resin market fluctuations.

5 min read

Unsaturated Polyester Resins: Road to Recovery

Both European and US unsaturated polyester resin (UPR) prices saw back-to-back monthly increases throughout the first half of 2021. The market...

1 min read

Maleic Anhydride - New entrants to market set to cause disruption

Global maleic anhydride markets have experienced a sharp upturn in late 2020 and 2021 following the negative growth seen in 2020 as markets continued...

Maleic anhydride production plant.

1 min read

Maleic Anhydride Markets Boom As Global Economy Roars Back To Life

After suffering one of the worst downturns in living memory in 2020, the global economy has started clawing its way back this year. In the US, the...