Stumpage 360 Database

Track the value of timber over time with our Stumpage 360 database.

We provide comprehensive sales details and product data for actual timber sales throughout the US South.

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On demand access to southern timber prices. 

Ge comprehensive sales details and product data for actual timber sales throughout the US South for buying or selling timber, planning a harvest, brokering a timber sale, or tracking the value of timber over time. 

Direct Market Price Data

Our direct market price data and specific harvest volume information provide the most complete and accurate timber pricing service in the southern US.

Updated and Comprehensive Data

Our timber price database is continually updated and contains comprehensive sales data from more than $6 billion in actual timber transactions across the entire US South.

Determine Market Trends

This kind of information can be very useful in determining emerging market trends, which can be used to guide operational and strategic planning for both sellers and purchasers of pine timber.

What you get

All of our data can be analyzed in methods that are most beneficial to each individual or company, and users can save search filters, download customized images or print charts right from their screens.

Users can sort and filter down to the county level, and can further filter by date, product, acres, buyer/seller types, harvest types, and other important criteria.

Get interactive charts and tables that allow users to visualize geographies and the data that correspond to them, including historical data on product groups and individual products that can be sorted by price-per-ton or DBH.

Select a micro market, state, or county view and drill down to analyze specific product performance over time.

Interactive charts allow users to easily add/remove products from the display area and sort and export data based on individual needs.

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Take advantage of our Stumpage 360 Database today. 

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