As ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) becomes a hotter topic in both the global finance sector and the world of consumer brands, several major brands like Apple and Microsoft have announced ambitious goals to cut corporate carbon emissions alongside pioneering legislation that has already passed in several parts of the world to regulate carbon emissions.
ESG in practice is about much more than just optics and good PR; it’s important for an organization not only to walk the walk, but to also talk the talk. Corporations must articulate their ESG strategy as part of their license to operate, maintain their reputations with the public, and nurture relationships with consumers in order access capital markets. Those that do it well will participate in a virtuous feedback loop with their communities, customers and shareholders, and those that don’t will destroy value – a breach of their primary fiduciary duty.
We believe carbon is the lightning rod, as it will likely be the key to any environmental scorecard moving forward. This metric already has a slew of targets (Carbon Neutrality by 2050) and because impacts on these fronts can be seen and smelled (airborne smog, polluted or unsafe water, etc.) and aren’t tolerated in their immediate communities. While addressing long-term issues takes a generational investment approach, identifying and sanctioning breaches of standards or unacceptable behavior can be done in real time.
With all of these factors in play, Forest2Market realizes how important it is for stakeholders across the global Pulp & Paper value chain to have access to reliable environmental data that impact them the most. For more information on the ambitious initiatives several major brands have announced and how this could impact the highly energy-intensive Pulp & Paper industry, check out the new video below from Fisher International, a member of the ResourceWise brand of companies.
At ResourceWise, we believe in identifying practical solutions by applying sophisticated analytics to our comprehensive datasets. In the case of Fisher, these robust datasets describe every pulp and paper mill in the world. By taking a systematic approach and basing our models on fundamentals, we can correct the issue found in much of the carbon emissions reporting and provide an “apples-to-apples” comparison for consumers.
With global carbon benchmarking and related ESG indices from ResourceWise, consumers have more information than ever at their fingertips to ensure their procurement practices match their corporate visions.