1 min read
New Business Analysis Tools for Australian Wood Products Industry
Tim Woods
December 8, 2021

The latest upgrades to Wood Market Edge online put even more analytical tools in the hands of Australia and New Zealand’s forestry and wood products industry.
Client feedback since Wood Market Edge online was launched in April 2020 focused on three main areas:
- Global log trade and the relationship between Australia and New Zealand
- Using the data and platform to assemble ‘headline’ forecasts of sawnwood demand, and
- Providing ‘port-to-port’ trade data analysis
Over 2021, the team at IndustryEdge in Australia and Forest2Market in the US have developed and tested new tools that address these industry needs.
Using simple navigation, subscribers can now access a headline sawn structural softwood demand forecast that is updated every month, for the coming twelve months. As below, the charts can be downloaded, along with the underlying data.
Subscribers can select new views showing them Australian, New Zealand and composite log price indexes, allowing for comparisons over time, providing insights to the moving global costs of softwood fiber.
As we can see here, the trajectory of softwood log trade prices has been very different for Australia and New Zealand. No surprises, but powerful confirmation, and there are more angles subscribers can select.
Throughout the platform, the new opportunities for analysis include examining trade data at the port-to-port level – essential for international competition analysis. The woodchip export and import pries being connected to the chip trade vessels adds functionality requested by subscribers.
Wood Market Edge online has grown quickly to become a ‘go to’ resource to access, analyze and visualize large amounts of forestry related data and intelligence. Supported by the IndustryEdge team in Australia, subscribers download literally millions of lines of charts, tables and data every day.
Latest additions to the platform are fully integrated to the existing architecture, providing a seamless transition for subscribers keen to access the new analysis tools. Wood Market Edge online is the benchmark tool for analysts and decision makers, providing 24/7 access to a growing library of data sets and the most powerful online visualizations available for the forestry and wood products industry.
Analysts, wood products managers, plantation and forest growers, building companies, investors, government agencies and business leaders use Wood Market Edge online to inform their decisions. A service of IndustryEdge, Wood Market Edge online is delivered on the ground-breaking Silva Stat 360 platform operated by Forest2Market.