Forest2Market is pleased to announce that Larry Sullivan has joined the company as Bioenergy & Biochemical Sector Sales Manager. In his new role, Larry will promote our company vision to provide impactful business intelligence that supports environmentally sustainable growth, financial health, and commercial competitiveness. He is responsible for expanding the company’s presence in the global bioenergy, biofuels and biomaterials industries, and for managing product evolution and new product development.
Larry brings a wealth of industry experience to the Forest2Market, Fisher International, and Tecnon OrbiChem teams. He began his career with Dresser Europe after completing Geosciences graduate studies at Texas A&M University. He managed new technology for oil and gas drilling with Imperial Chemical Industries’ Petroleum from 1985 to 1989, then led strategy development for Conoco Europe and Dupont’s integration of refinery and petrochemical intermediates from 1990 to 1994.
After his career in the petroleum industry, Larry led the strategic design and product marketing team at Crown Iron Works to develop novel biodiesel production technology that established Crown as an industry leader. In 2005 and 2009, he provided critical reviews of a variety of ethanol, biodiesel and renewable diesel technology platforms for the world’s leading petroleum companies and presented conference papers for the petroleum refining consulting firm Turner, Mason & Company. From 2007 to 2009, Larry served as Chief Technology Officer of publicly traded Kreido Biofuels, where he assisted with the asset’s sale.
Larry earned a BA from the University of Texas at Austin, and an MA from Arizona State University. He completed his MBA in 1993 at Warwick University and Refinery Engineering at St. Catherine’s College of Oxford University. Larry currently serves as an adjunct professor at Trident Technical College and The Citadel, and he served on the DOE, USDA and EPA Technical and Science Advisory Boards from 2018 to 2021.