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Forest2Market Holds First Meeting of Advisory Council for Market2Mill Recovered Fiber Market Reports
Suz-Anne Kinney : May 16, 2012
Forest2Market convened the first meeting of the Market2Mill Advisory Council on May 9, 2012. The Council, which was formed to provide industry insight and advice to Forest2Market as it makes additions and enhancements to its recovered fiber market reports, discussed industry requirements for the reporting of recovered fiber export prices. As a result of these discussions, Market2Mill will soon include volume weighted average export pricing in two ways: first as a pure export price and second as a combined domestic spot and export price.
“The goal of these Advisory Council meetings is to promote the ongoing effectiveness of Market2Mill products and services and ensure they address the increasingly complex business issues present in the recovered fiber industry,” said Barbara Hudson, Manager of Forest2Market’s Recovered Fiber Practice and Executive Director of the Council. “We want to thank the founding members of the Council for their willingness and eagerness to step forward and work with us to expand the report. The quality of market analytics for the industry will improve as a result.”
Suzanne Hearn, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Forest2Market, added: “In every industry we serve, we’ve found that the broad adoption of our transaction-based market reports reduces the artificial volatility the market has experienced as a result of survey-based price reports. As the evolution of Market2Mill continues, the Advisory Council will take the lead in improving efficiency in recovered fiber markets.”
The Council will meet once a quarter. In its second meeting, the members will help Forest2Market prioritize the addition of other recovered fiber grades to Mill2Market reports.
Council membership is representative of the whole market. It reflects a wide range of experience and expertise within domestic and international recovered fiber markets, and it also includes representatives from all segments of the supply chain, diverse geographic regions and company sizes.
“We had good across-the-board representation of the industry at our initial meeting,” said Hudson. “And we will continue to recruit new members to expand representation and give all industry participants a voice.” Members of the supply chain interested in joining the Market2Mill Advisory Council should contact Hudson at barbara.hudson@forest2market.com or 980-233-4035.