Since the Industrial Revolution, the United Kingdom has been a hub of global trade and innovation. This legacy has been carried over into the modern era, with an evolving focus on sustainable development and efficient resource usage.
While the UK's contribution to various sectors is vast and diverse, one sector that often goes overlooked is the tissue industry. It's an intriguing area, with its own unique shifts and trends that reflect the changing dynamics of the larger economic context.
Shifting Dynamics: The Rise of European Companies in the UK Tissue Sector
A recent power shift has been observed in the sector, with European companies steadily taking over positions previously held by their American counterparts. With the domestic tissue production capacity experiencing a decrease of 18% from 2007 to 2021, the industry is reinventing itself, showing promising signs of revival through planned machine investments expected to enhance capacity by 2027.
Characterized by its reliance on recycled integrated sites and non-integrated mills for virgin fiber, as the UK does not inherently produce this, the tissue sector has been robust in resource usage. In recent years, marked changes have occurred in import and export trends, with peak imports observed in 2021 due to pandemic-related disruptions.
Interestingly, there's been a shift from traditional partners like France and Belgium to Türkiye and China for import requirements. Although, the sector still maintains a strong export relationship with countries such as Ireland, Germany, and France.
Explore the Dynamics of the UK Tissue Market
However, this is merely a snapshot of the larger narrative. To delve deeper into the intricacies of the UK's tissue sector, download our comprehensive report "The UK Tissue Sector: Recovery, New Investments, and Future Projections."
Our report includes insights such as:
- Population and GDP purchasing patterns
- Tissue import and export trends
- An overview of the types of mills and tissue products in the UK
- A comparative analysis with other nations regarding machine quality and cost
This report is a valuable resource for stakeholders, investors, and anyone interested in understanding the current landscape and prospects of the UK's tissue industry.