Energy, Oil, Gas, and Mining




Energy, Oil, Gas, and Mining

The energy, oil, gas, and mining industries use petrochemicals to aid the extraction, production, handling, and transportation of crude oil or gas. Other applications can be found in lubricants, fuel additives and further downstream in the manufacture of wind turbines to generate wind energy.

Chemicals are essential for the isolation of desired products from crude ores, for example, in the chemical extraction of alumina from bauxite, then processed to aluminum, which is used extensively for consumer products, including beverage cans and transport.

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OrbiChem360's detailed pricing data and analysis of a wide range of chemical markets is a standard guide for buyers and sellers of chemicals. Longer-term reporting on chemicals' market development offers vision to strategic planners, allowing them to position their companies for continuing success. 

Energy, Oil, Gas, and Mining Solutions

We provide detailed and comprehensive coverage of markets, prices, developments, and commercialization of chemicals, polymers, and fibers to allow informed decisions by buyers, sellers, marketers, commercial planners, and company executives in the energy, oil, gas, and mining industries.

Our services, aimed at commercial needs, are accompanied by supply-demand analyses which provide deeply researched data in support of long-term planning.

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