Forest2Market do Brasil’s new product, Timber Supply Analysis 360, is an interactive map-based tool that provides forest inventory data to decision makers in the forest products industry. This tool allows a user to select custom areas based on the location of a forest, the planned location for a new facility or around an existing facility with expansion plans. Once the location is selected, the tool provides the following data for the selected area:
- Hectares
- Species
- Total volume by species
- Volume by product
- Age class distribution
"The interest in investment in forests and forest products industries in Brazil and the rest of Latin America is growing," says Marcelo Schmid, Director of Forest2Market do Brasil. "A persistent obstacle to securing these investments is the lack of data quantifying forest resources. To support their decisions, investors require assurances that markets for timber will exist when timber is ready to harvest or that timber supply is robust enough to support ongoing operations once a manufacturing facility is built. By using proprietary change detection algorithms and satellite imagery to develop age class profiles of forests, Forest2Market do Brasil continues to support the development of the forest products industry. Timber Supply Analysis 360 brings transparency and visibility to Brazil's forest resources and gives the industry data it can rely on to make multimillion-dollar decisions with confidence."
Timber Supply Analysis 360 also provides the base data that Forest2Market do Brasil uses to produce long-term supply, demand and timber price forecasts. View the demo videos for both the North American (English) and Brazilian (Portuguese) versions of Timber Supply Analysis 360 below.