Demystifying the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS-2)

Unlocking the Potential of Woody Biomass

Woody biomass holds lucrative potential within the renewable energy landscape. To harness this opportunity successfully, it's crucial to understand the regulatory framework, specifically the RFS-2.

The path to compliance can pose significant challenges, from harvest criteria to detailed documentation. With our depth of experience working with developers, foresters, and landowners, we understand the complexities you face.

Watch our on-demand webinar to learn about the intricacies of the RFS-2 standard and discover actionable strategies for thriving in this growing market.

Key Topics Include:

  • Comprehensive understanding of the RFS-2 standard and learn how to navigate its intricacies.
  • Practical case studies and uncover the critical aspects of compliance and documentation.
  • Separate fact from fiction as we debunk common misconceptions surrounding biofuel regulations.
  • Strategies for implementing the standard effectively and planning for long-term success in the biofuel industry.

Submit the form to watch our on-demand webinar. 

Speaker, Bobby Frank

Sales Manager and Forest Value Chain Expert

With extensive experience in the forest value chain, Bobby brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. From optimizing data collection to increasing company output, Bobby's expertise is unmatched. Join us as he shares insights garnered from years in the field, guiding you through the intricacies of the RFS-2 standard with clarity and precision.


Bobby Frank, Sales Manager, Forest Value Chain